
Letter From the Editor

You may have noticed the recent flurry of activity on the site - I've just now posted three new pieces on fashion, as well as a television series review and two articles debating ethical issues.  This is because tomorrow I'm going to be heading out for my grad event so in all likelihood I wont be doing much posting until Saturday or Sunday at the earliest.  Hopefully this will be enough material to pacify you in the meantime; I promise when I get back I'll have photos and stories and I'll get started on Fall fashion.

I also figured I would pass along another update on the site's progress, which every day gives me reason to be happy and grateful.  I have finally reached an audience in South America (Peru and Brazil), which for quite some time was the only continent not visiting the site.  Besides Canada and the United States, readers come from as diverse locations as Britain, France, Switzerland, Denmark, Iran, Italy, Malaysia, Russia, Belarus, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, China, Germany, Sweden, India, Ukraine, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Peru, Brazil, and Mexico.  Your interest has moved the site way up in google searches, from which I am getting more and more referrals by the day.  On a comedic note, I am also getting regular referrals from a site called lolsnaps.info, whose address includes something about Star Wars.  I can't see what the site is though, because apparently people from my country are not allowed.  How strange!  If any of you know what the site is about I'd be interested to know.

To reach such a multinational audience is exhilarating and wonderful, and I am really enjoying receiving your input through your comments.  If you have anything you would like to hear more about or see more of I encourage you to let me know and I'll do my best to incorporate it into the site.  For now I'd just like to say another big thank you for your continued interest and support.  Have a wonderful weekend, I know I will!  - Arbiter Elegantiae

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